Автоматизация и управление в технических системах
Электронный научный журнал
Архив выпусков

Автоматизация и управление в технических системах: научно-методический сборник трудов кафедры Автоматизированные системы управления Московского автомобильно-дорожного государственного технического университета (МАДИ)

Экономические науки
Nikolaev A.B. 1, Lazarenko A.V. 2, Solntsev A.A. 3

1. Moscow Automobile and Road-Construction State Technical University
2. North-Caucasian Branch Moscow Automobile & Road construction State Technical University
3. Moscow Automobile and Road-Construction State Technical University


The article analyzes the development strategies of dealer networks in the automotive industry. For example , automakers are creating their own dealer firms for the purpose of direct contact with customers and assigning margin, which is becoming smaller due to competition and to share it with dealers and more difficult. Add to that the authorization policy automakers service businesses without motor vehicles, as well as the policy of soft-franchise, it is possible to conclude that the auto companies are moving in the direction of the capture of key positions in retail new vehicle, leaving the individual dealers selling to individual’s new and used vehicles, parts and service.

Keywords: dealer network, simulation, strategy development, trade policy, warehouse

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